Saturday, April 12, 2014

Descent-Jarrod Clark


Perhaps today is the first day of my new life. The first day that I can appreciate my freedom. My freedom, which I did not acquire easily, from that fatal friend of mine that I so foolishly trusted. But that no longer matters. I am back to myself, and I can finally return to my work. Soon, my “friend” will be nothing but a memory.


My family is not reacting to my return the way that I wish. They do not want me to return to my work. If they think they can stop me, they’re as insane as I was. My work is incredibly important—not just to myself, but to everyone. Perhaps this is what my new life will be like. No matter, I will continue as I always have; alone.


I am beginning to notice people outside my home. They watch me from their windows, their cars, while walking their dogs. Some of them even take notes, I would swear by it. I will continue to record their actions, and act accordingly should I feel that they will be a complication to my work. Tommy, the only member of my family that I still trust, has taken to bringing food and water to me, since I will not leave. This is just as well, since I no longer need to put my work on hold to eat.


Even Tommy has abandoned me. We had an argument over my work- Tommy thinks that I will get sick again. Though he argued that he was worried about my health, I know his true intentions. He means to take my work, as his own. Unfortunately, I no longer have a means to acquire food or water. I must focus harder on my work. Maybe I can find solace in solitude.


I have realized my true mistake. I thought that my friend was false. I believed that I could rely on my family to support me, but I was wrong. With my old friends help, I will return to my work.


I am running out.


I have run out. I cannot focus. I realized today that I have not eaten or showered in days. I cannot remember the last time I slept. I must have more. Yet somehow, I know that those people that watch me must have some. Tonight, after dark, I will sneak outside. I will find one of them, and I will take theirs. Tonight, I will regain what I have lost. After tonight, my work can continue.


  1. I have to admit, Jarrod, that I at first thought this was Company of Wolves. And perhaps it is! Looks good!

    1. Ha ha. Second read; it's still a bit enigmatic, but definitely Diary of a Madman. I actually still can see how I thought it was about a Werewolf ~ what is his work? You know, at first I thought this was from the perspective of the man who left his wife in the Company of Wolves, and was taken by wolves, only to return years later. IT could still be that, though I also see how I believe this is the madman in madman, after he is supposedly "cured." Clearly, yours and Maria's are intended to be read in tandem.

  2. I really liked the way that you kept what exactly what this "work" your character was obsessed with a mystery throughout the entire story. It allows the reader to come up with their own conclusions, which I think is really neat! The only advice I would have is if you were looking to make it more like that original, it would be cool to add in an outside perspective like someone reading the diary entries at a later date. Otherwise I think it is really great!

  3. Very interesting fan fiction. Has an eerie sort of suspense that keeps the reader intrigued as to what is going to happen next. I like the way you described the determination of the narrator and how he is so consumed with his work yet fails to take care of his own needs. I would suggest adding a little more background information about this work and why there is such an obsession involving it, or even adding the end results of how the "finished" work has come to affect the narrator and those involved. Everything else looks good!

  4. I thought it was really interesting and almost like a mystery. I liked how you kept mentioning the things he was doing and how he had to go back to work, nice work.
