Friday, April 11, 2014

Notebook of a New Kid

It was the first day at a new school. I’m up early as usual. But something is different about today.  I go on with my normal morning routine. I finally get down stairs for breakfast. I ask my mom how I should approach the kids at school? What do I say to them and where will I fit in? She said to me “ it will all work its self out just go and be you”. That was the plan I finished up eating, ran upstairs to get all of my stuff I needed for school that day. When I was ready I told my mom I would see her later on that day. All I hear as I’m running out of he house is “have a good day sweetie” I had a notebook inside my book bag to keep track of how my day goes.

      I.         I didn’t have to wait for the bus very long, the bus pulled up and the bus driver opened the doors and yelled get on the bus and shut up. I figured that was just because he was cranky this morning. As I went to sit with different kids they all just kind of stared at me and watched me like I was some piece of meat. So I minded my own business and went to the back of the bus and sat by my self.

    II.         An other boy approached me when we got off the bus. He introduced him self and said don’t take any offense to people not wanting to sit with you, they see you as the outsider or the lowest person on the food chain. As I walked to my new classroom I could only think to my self what did he mean about food chain.

  III.         My first period class seems nice. My teacher comes off as a very nice and intelligent lady. She introduced her self to the class, as she called roll I started to notice how different kids would react when their name was called upon. I thought to myself how do I make my self look cool so that other kids might talk to me. My name is called and all I can blurt out of my mouth is that’s me. I’ve never had so many eyes on me. They all were just staring at me for a solid minute. Which felt like eternity

   IV.          The hallways were a good place to see how things worked. I slowly walked beside a wall with out lockers to see what these kids do. My observations were cut short when I had to run quickly to my next class

     V.         I’ve made it. It’s finally lunchtime. After a morning of running around avoiding people and trying to not be eaten by all the other kids, I would say I have done a good job so far. I walk into the cafeteria and this place is buzzing with tones of people. It kind of reminds me of the jungle. The table full of jocks seems to be in control of everything they remind me of the lions feeding off of everyone else’s lunches. There was a table for just about every group in school. The higher you were on the food chain the closer you were to the cafeteria food line. Those higher up on the food chain were able to eat first. They had what choice they wanted. It was so embedded into all these kids minds that when I went to go get food everyone stopped and starred at me like I just broke the law. I have started to realize that not many people are going to be very welcoming to the new kid. I know I could figure out somewhere to fit in, but where.

   VI.         After my amazing lunch time experience came the physical education class or how some people like me would call it, jock city class. This is where the strong eat the weak. They strive on their physical abilities to weaken others for later on in the day.

 VII.         Finally the last class of the day, I am almost home free. I can’t wait to get out of here. This new school is to much to handle. I am constantly looking behind my back because I’m scared some one is going to push me or embarrass me in front of the whole school.

VIII.         The bus ride home was quite. I stuck to my self. I avoided all of the animals higher on the food chain. Once the bus driver pulled up to my bus stop, I ran outside of the bus and right home. I did not want to have to deal with anyone else that day. I wanted to go back and look into my notebook and see how I can change things for the next day. 

   IX.         My mom asked me how my first day of school went. I told her it’s like a jungle in there, being the new kid is like being a piece of meat thrown into the lions den. I should be all right I’m going to try my best not to give into this whole concept of social acceptance and just be myself. If there are any other kids who are going to be attending a new school in the future I hope they see these entries from my notebook some way, so that it could help them.

Save the new kids from the jungle  


  1. Fascinating twist on the story. What a frightening ending.

  2. I love this story. From a new kid's point of view, all the school stuffs look like a jungle to survive. It described detailed image of school and also, I can imagine vivid feeling of frightening of the new kids in this story!
